There has never been a better time than right now to make money online by creating a website. The internet is one of the most powerful drivers of wealth creation in human history and has made more millionaires than every other industry combined.
But if you’re new to internet marketing, it can be a daunting task to try and figure out where to start. And one of the most common questions asked by someone new is, ‘how many websites do you need to get rich’?
If you ask that question online, most people will immediately reply with ‘you only need one website to get rich’. And that’s true – many of the richest and most successful people online have built their wealth by creating a single website. But what they don’t tell you is that for every successful web entrepreneur, there are thousands who failed and lost everything.
If I can impart one piece of advice to you, it’s that you must diversify your online income.
I learned that lesson the hard way several years ago when I first became disabled. In the span of a few months, I went from having a great government job to not having enough money to eat. Desperate, and unable to leave my house, I spent every second my illness allowed building my first website.
And a few weeks after launching it, the money started to trickle in. Then the trickle became a flood, and I finally found my financial footing again. Just when I thought things were finally turning around for me, Google changed its algorithm, and overnight, I lost nearly all my website traffic.
Once again, I was hungry and broke.
But the lesson was clear – if I wanted to get wealthy online, I needed multiple sources of income. And the same is true for anyone reading this article. Sure, you could try to swing for the fences and attempt to hit a home run by creating the next Amazon or Google – and most likely fail. Or you could set up a few solid websites and steadily grow rich.
Which would you prefer?
But before you start making money online, you’re going to need to create your websites. For anyone starting out, I recommend signing up with Bluehost. They’re a great hosting company with an easy to navigate setup process. Plus, they’re very affordable for what they offer and once you’ve become successful, it’s simple to scale up with Bluehost.
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What Types of Websites Should You Setup?
Now that you know you need multiple websites to get wealthy online, what type of websites should you start with?
While I try to have my finger in every pie possible, running websites with advertising, affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and memberships, I recommend anyone new starting out to stick with something simple until you have the hang of things.
And the two simplest ways to make money online are advertising and affiliate marketing. Both options are easy to set up, bring in solid income that is easy to grow, and require almost no money upfront.
If you’re looking for a good place to get started with affiliate marketing, most people start with Amazon. While there are countless other affiliates out there, Amazon is a trusted company and offers solid commissions for any products you sell.
As for advertising, there are far fewer options, and realistically, the only way you’re going to make money is through Google Adsense. But it’s easy to set up and offers quick earnings – though it requires a lot more website traffic to earn money than with affiliate marketing.
How to Manage Multiple Websites
When you’re just starting out, it can be overwhelming trying to manage multiple websites. And honestly, I think that’s part of the reason many people recommend only running one website. But if you keep reasonable goals and outsource everything possible, you might be surprised at how easy it becomes.
But first, you need to make sure you don’t burn yourself out while running multiple websites. Many people dive into web entrepreneurship and spend 16 hours every day hammering away at their keyboard until they pass out from exhaustion.
In my opinion, that’s just silly. Unless you’re running one of the largest websites in the country, you shouldn’t be putting in nearly that much time into one website.
When you first start out, spend a few hours a day maximum on each website, making sure to produce some new content, promoting it online, and looking at ways you can optimize your income. Until a website really starts to grow, it only needs attention every other day or so.
And there’s no reason for you to do everything once you get your operation up and running. Sure, when you first start out, you’re probably going to be tight on cash. But after you have a steady stream of money coming in, outsource as much of the grunt work as possible. Hire freelancers to create content, hire web designers for new projects, and most importantly, hire a personal assistant. All these things let you focus on the big picture and more importantly, give you time to enjoy your newfound wealth.
Final Word
If you want to get rich online, it’s important to create an income river from numerous streams of income. An income river will give you safety if one of the streams ever fails, and eventually, your income river will grow larger and larger until one day you suddenly find you’re rich.
But don’t forget you need a website to make it happen, so check out Bluehost to see all the current deals.
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